Departamento de Física - Universidade Federal de Sergipe (DFI/UFS)

The Search For New Sensors and Light Sources
The Random Laser phenomenon occurs when a medium emits light with conventional laser characteristics, such as threshold behavior and spectral narrowing, without being in an optical cavity. In this case, light scattering plays a crucial role in providing incoherent or coherent feedback mechanisms that characterize this lasing process.
For example, microfluidic systems can take advantage of a Random Laser process, which can be integrated as an optical component into microfluidic circuits to assess spectroscopic parameters. Random Laser can also be used to sense fat globules in milk once fat globules act as scattering media. Several more potential applications are waiting to be explored by using this lasing process.
In this line of research, the main objective is to explore different physical systems combined with the appropriate gain media to scatter light aiming to a Random Laser phenomenon, such as colloidal systems, solid samples with dyes, and luminescent polymers, to mention a few.
If you are a material scientist and wish to test if a particular material could be a potential Random Laser system, contact us by clicking here!